Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Boxes, Boxes, Everywhere...

We get closer to moving day(s) all the time. Since we will reside in two countries, we need two types of storage--long-term and accessible. How do you predict what you'll need, say, this Christmas time or next summer? Or where you'll be? We'll shlep stuff off to accessible storage tomorrow, hoping that what we choose is right. The donation van is scheduled for Thursday; amazing (or maybe not) how large that pile is getting. Then the moving and storage people come Friday. Saturday we'll be cleaning an empty house, and Sunday we take off for Arlington, the first stop on our "farewell tour."

How do you say goodbye to your home of nearly 28 years? We know it's time to go, the same way we knew when it was time to retire, but that doesn't make it much easier. We've experienced this before, but that doesn't make it easier, either! Neighbors came by last week and brought well-wishing card (kind) and a bottle of wine--really kind.

Nephew Phil(ip) has been here since Saturday, on leave from his AF assignment in Pensacola learning how to teach newbies how to be weapons systems operators. His military experience, not as a WSO or as a teacher but as a frequent mover, has been a blessing. We broke bread with Andrey and Oksana at their house Saturday night. Cristina came down Friday to go to a wedding, and got roped into packing a box or two, too. The Wednesday before we said "see ya" to Phil and Kathy because they were taking off to cruise the Baltic, and Mark and Sherry because they were off to NJ and NY. If they can go off other places, they can come to Bratislava, by golly! Maureen and Matt will be in this house sooner (we hope) rather than later, and the boys will liven up this neighborhood--but that doesn't make leaving the house much easier, either!

Paula got her teaching assignments this week--Brit lit and Latin American lit!

Time to quit and go eat lunch, and then pack some more. Tempus, after all, fugits.

1 comment:

  1. We can hardly wait for the next installment. It is not boring and thanks for the coffee.
